Make Your Own BBQ Sauce


As summer begins to wind down and football season begins, I’ve had a hankering for some great BBQ wings. Since I live in the desert and it’s still around 95 degrees, I want something tangy, but not too spicy. I want something thick and sweet, but garlicky and balanced.

I have tried to make my own before, but it never came out as well as when I doctored an already made sauce. A few weeks ago, I rampaged my market’s BBQ section in search of something new to try. Surely there had to be a sauce I could use out of the bottle and didn’t have to put such effort into. Well, I didn’t find it.

Undeterred, I decided to make my own. I chose not to go first to the internet or any of my recipe books, sure that I could create something I may not have thought of if I followed some other recipe.

Armed with a bottle of ketchup, some minced garlic and whatever was in my pantry and fridge, I set out on my quest. I have to say I love what resulted. I hope you love it as much as I do. Who knows, maybe your doctoring of this sauce will give you something personal and perfect and you’ll stop reaching for those bottles at the grocery.

1C Ketchup
2TBSP Honey
1/4C Brown Sugar
2tsp Key Lime Habanero Sauce
3/4tsp Chili Sauce
1tsp Smoked Paprika
1tsp Onion Powder
1TBSP Minced Garlic
1/4tsp Ground Mustard
1TBSP Liquid Smoke (Hickory flavor)
1TBSP Butter
1/8C Molasses
Salt & Pepper

1. Put all ingredients directly into a saucepan and whisk to combine.
2. Heat first on low until everything is combined and warmed through. Continue whisking every 45 seconds or so to keep sauce from sticking or burning.
3. Turn heat to med/med-low and cook for about 6-8 minutes. Sauce will thicken slightly. You really just want everything to heat and meld and for the flavors to develop. You’re not reducing or really cooking, just heating and developing.
4. Taste the sauce at about 5 minutes. If you want to add heat or sweetness now is the time. Once you are satisfied with the flavor, turn to med-high and heat until sauce begins bubbling and caramelizing as shown below.
5. Now just sauce them! This sauce will cover about 15-20 small drumettes, or 10 regular size drumettes. ENJOY!!!





Posted on September 20, 2013, in Do It Yourself, Sides and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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